Mylander - Issue 95

28 From inside the community High Woods Country Park Colchester City Council has been inviting residents and visitors to help choose the design for a new play area at High Woods Country Park. The Park play area is very popular but has reached the end of its life and needs updating. The Council is refreshing the playground as part of its ongoing investment across Colchester’s parks and green spaces. The Council invited leading specialist companies to compete to redesign the playground and has shortlisted four entries that offer an exciting mix of equipment, including equipment accessible to all ages and mobility levels. The designs have been on display throughout April at the High Woods Country Park Visitor Centre, and the Council encouraged local residents and visitors to the park to vote for their favourite one. The consultation ran until late April and the winning design will be announced in May*, with work starting this summer. Cllr Martin Goss, Colchester City Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Waste, said: “Outdoor play is vital for children’s health and wellbeing so investment in improved play facilities is money well spent. High Woods Country Park is a popular park with lots of great facilities, but the play area has come to the end of its life and needs replacing. I am delighted we are investing in these play facilities for children in Colchester.” [*At the time The Mylander went to print, the winning design had not been announced, but we eagerly await the chosen design and any progress that has been made before the next issue.] PIANO TUITION & MUSIC THEORY ALL AGES AND STANDARDS STUDENTS ENTERED FOR RSM IF REQUIRED TREVOR CORDWELL 01206 844087