Mylander - Issue 95

Learning & Growing Children in Year 5 have benefitted from participating in the Bikeability scheme again this term. This valuable training enables children to learn to ride safely on the roads, which is most important. Well done to everyone who successfully took part in this initiative. Thank you and ‘well done’ to our School Council, who organised and led a second hand book sale back in February. It was lovely to see so many people buying books; the event was a great success! We’ve also really enjoyed our recent Science Week, with children of all ages discovering new information. Our EYFS children focused on floating and sinking, whilst children in Year 3 enjoyed making volcanoes and then erupting them - so much fun! World Book Day is always a favourite for us, and this year’s activities were wonderful. Everyone looked fantastic, with traditional tales outfits being the inspiration for many staff teams. Thank you to everyone for joining in with such enthusiasm! As always, a very big ‘thank you’ to our FAFA team, who work tirelessly throughout each school year to raise funds to support children of all ages. If you’d be interested in becoming involved with FAFA, please do let us know: we’d love to hear from you! This term we’ve enjoyed a Movie Night, cake sales, Mother’s Day gift events, and we’re currently having a ‘Guess the Name of the Giant Bunny’ Easter competition. Thank you to all the FAFA team for their enthusiasm and hard work: we’re really grateful. By the time you read this, it’s very likely that our recent Ofsted report will have been published. You’ll be able to read it on our website and also on the Ofsted website. Ofsted visited us in mid-March, and we were all very proud to welcome the inspector to school. We’re looking forward to welcoming our new families for September to school over the course of the next few weeks: it’s always very exciting to have new members join our school community. Please do get in touch with the office team if you’d like to come and look round: we particularly love the Summer term and can’t wait for the fun to come. Take care everyone, Clare Woodward Headteacher Queen Boudica Primary School 37