Mylander - Issue 95

4 Chair’s Report As I hope you will see from this issue, Myland Community Council has been busy representing you on a number of issues affecting the Parish; from the commencement of works on the Rapid Transit Route, to escalating the need for urgent road repairs and the provision of community facilities promised. I am pleased to report that our Parish precept (or the money in your Council Tax which comes to us) was down to £18.97 for a Band D property, which was a reduction on last year. We remain committed to a wide range of projects in the Parish for 23/24 including improving accessibility, possible new play equipment and progressing plans for the Village Green at the old Mill Road rugby site. On 13 March we held the Seed Giveaway at our office on Nayland Road and I am delighted to report everything had gone by 11am, with the updated garden and driveway making the event easier and safer for all. The packets of seeds left were given to Myland and Queen Boudica schools and we would love to see pictures of what has been grown in the next issue of the Mylander! By the time most of you receive this issue we will have had our Coronation Event on 8th May. Thank you to the Colchester Litter Pickers Group who offered support with a tidy up before and after the event. As Chair, I have recently met with local resident Steve Last, Deputy Director of Estates and Facilities at Colchester and Ipswich Hospitals to hear about the recent construction work and exciting plans for its development in the next few years. I have also met with the City Council Streetcare Team to discuss ways we can complement their hard work locally and we have, as a first step, agreed to fund the cost of mobile CCTV equipment to focus on fly-tipping in Myland. Our Clerk is actively updating our website to make it easier to navigate and to improve the information we provide. If you have any suggestions on what you find difficult to locate or would like to see that isn’t there please let us know on 01208 853400 or via [email protected] Finally our Annual Parish Meeting will be 7.30pm on Wednesday 31st May so please come and join us. This is not a formal Council meeting but a get-together with residents over refreshments, to allow you to hear what we have been doing and plan to do and to ask questions, as well as an opportunity to meet your local Councillors who represent you. Cllr Alison Jay, Chair of Myland Council 07761 729054 / [email protected]