Mylander - Issue 95

42 Learning & Growing 1st Myland Scout Group The group have had a great winter and are now looking forward to some warmer weather. The Beavers and Cubs enjoyed a fantastic sleepover at Jump In trampoline park in Ipswich with two other groups from Colchester. Beavers The Beavers have been looking at constellations, the moon and the planets as part of space, have learnt how to spell their name using the phonetic alphabet and explored air crafts as part of their air activities badge and learnt a greeting in a foreign language. It was also lovely to join the rest of the group at the Mother’s Day service in church. Cubs The Cubs have celebrated Burns Night, where they ate haggis and did dome Scottish dancing to bagpipes, looked at internet safety and how to stay safe whilst online. They also made pancakes with Esther Wilde who came in to help, learnt a new skill using the internet and celebrated World Book Day.