Mylander - Issue 95

7 Council Reports I am pleased to enclose some words from both Councillors Gary Braddy and Pete Hewitt on the RTS, as well as a map on the next page (p8), from the web link I have already listed, that shows the route. Katie Maddocks, Editor We are all now aware of the work that has started on the Rapid Transit Scheme (RTS) that runs alongside the Northern Approach Road (NAR). This scheme has been planned for many years and it is unfortunate that many of the trees and shrubs that developed over that time have to be removed. The route also became a bit of a wildlife corridor and we know that residents enjoyed the flora and fauna they saw. There will be replacement trees and shrubs, which once matured, we hope will restore some aesthetic benefits. For those residents whose homes faced directly onto the RTS, we commissioned an independent acoustic survey, the results of which we shared with Essex Highways. There were concerns too over the positioning of fencing and we have asked for some re-positioning to be considered. These factors have been discussed with Essex Highways who acknowledge the points raised and will look further into them. Cllr Pete Hewitt