Mylander - Issue 95

Council Reports Planning & Highways Committe Recently the committee has had input from residents regarding the improved positioning of sound-deterring fencing along the new Rapid Transit Route. The other is about traffic calming and the ability to cross the road at the junction of Whitmore Drive, Boxted Road and a new road from Chesterwell. The preferred option would be a roundabout. The committee has also been discussing the possibility of a footbridge over the A12. This has been brought to the attention of neighbouring Parish Councils, the City Council and Essex County Council. All are in favour of supporting this future local asset, which will depend on future highways work on the A12. We had a small budget for maintaining some footpaths and access routes last financial year. This financial year we will have a budget to ensure the previous actions are maintained and additional work can be considered. Please contact MCC if you are aware of any footpath access issues that need addressing. Cllr Gary Braddy Myland Access Group Myland Access Group recently proposed that Myland Community Council signed up to the 20’s Plenty Campaign to try and persuade Essex County Council to impose a twenty mile an hour speed limit on all residential streets. Quite a lot of Myland’s streets are already 20 mph, but quite a few are not. In the UK, 28 million people live in places where 20 mph is the norm. Most of the UK’s larger cities have adopted 20 mph for their residential streets. And Wales is about to bring in 20 mph as a national default in residential streets. The General Assembly of the United Nations endorses 20 mph where people mix with motor vehicles, unless strong evidence exists that higher speeds are safe. Come on Essex, join with us – it would be far better for cycling and walking than trying to persuade people to cycle on the pavement! Speaking of cycling infrastructure, I note that the planned construction date for Station Way, (which incorporates a two-way contra-flow on a dual carriageway, as well as cycling on the pavement through a bus stop), is scheduled for the summer of 2023. This does not comply 9