22 From inside the community Mill Road Surgery It’s nice to get feedback from patients that they always read the Mylander and the information that we put on our page, so as promised a big shout out to MG for her feedback! In previous issues we have focused on staff at the surgery other than the GP’s who may be helpful in assisting in your healthcare. For this issue I’d like to mention our hard-working Nurse Practitioners - Linda, Tracy and Tori. Both Linda and Tracy have been present at the surgery for a few years now and many of you will be familiar with them already. Tori is a welcome addition to the team and as a prescriber can help you in the same manner. Of course we understand that traditionally as a patient you would normally ask for an appointment with a GP first, however with the constant high demand on primary care, the workforce has adapted to include Nurse Practitioners and also recently Paramedic Practitioners to be able to assess and treat (including prescribing) patients to help relieve some of the extremely high demand on GP’s. So when making an appointment please consider it to be with either a Nurse Practitioner or Paramedic Practitioner, as they are able to deal with acute illness as well as help monitor and control some chronic illnesses. Some people worry about having an appointment with a Paramedic for non-urgent illness but we can assure you that we are trained in primary care as well as emergency care so nothing is deemed trivial! Consultations can be booked on the day from 8am and also in advance for non-urgent illnesses. For anyone under time constraints with the phone at 8am, then don’t forget you can also make an appointment in person at reception at 8am rather than hold. Hope you’ve enjoyed your summer so far! Ashley Moore, Paramedic Practitioner / Nurse Manager