From inside the community 25 Myland Mother’s Union We meet at 2.30pm in St Michael’s Parish Hall on the first Wednesday of the month. In February Rev’d Ray Gibbs chaired our AGM when reports were presented and Officers elected. Rev’d John Chandler let our Quiet Hour and Reflection in March, and Rev’d Ray Gibbs presided over our pre-Easter Communion in April. During the six weeks of Lent we hosted weekly “Hunger Lunches” – proceeds to Christian Aid and St Michael’s Church. In May we had a social get-together enjoying lunch at the Cricketers, Fordham Heath. In June we welcomed our Diocesan President who spoke to us on the MU Project Transformation and in July we hosted a Strawberry Tea. We don’t meet in August, however we will be having a Coffee Morning on Saturday 5th from 10 – 11.45am in St Michael’s Parish Hall. (Entrance £3 includes tea/coffee, cake and free refills). All are welcome. On Wednesday 6th September we will commence at 2pm in church with a service of Celebration for 110 years of MU in Myland followed by refreshments in the hall. We are now the only branch in Colchester Deanery and would welcome your support in joining in our celebration or any of our events/meetings. Ivy Dix