Chair’s Report Finally, we have been enjoying some summer and the school break is ahead of us, with lots of activities available in Castle Park and at our leisure centres and museums, as well as our magnificent Northern Gateway, so please take a look at what’s on offer and support them. I would like to offer a warm welcome to our new councillors, Laura and Vanessa, who joined us after the recent uncontested election. We look forward to your positive contributions. Working with new members brings a fresh perspective and different priorities. We still have room for one more councillor so please come and join us at a meeting and see how it works, or email me or the Clerk for information and we would be pleased to have you join us. We have recently agreed to some committee changes and have two new groups; the Myland Access Committee and Myland Heritage Group. Residents are welcome to join both, and their reports are later in this edition, but their activities will help shape the future of access and history in our Parish. We are lucky to have experienced and passionate councillors involved, bringing great ideas and getting things done. Two of our councillors have worked above and beyond to push the legally necessary 5-year review of our Neighbourhood Plan to completion. We were one of the first Parishes in the country to have its own Neighbourhood Plan and the first to go to review and it is a way for us to have our say in the future planning of the area we live, work, shop and go to school in. It is in the final stages of consultation and approval, and has to be taken into account in planning at both City and National level, so of great benefit to us all. Discussions on our community facilities with CCC progress and we are making steps to confirm significant financial support for all 3 community centres proposed in Kingswood Heath, Chesterwell and at the Mill Road old rugby club site. We continue to fully support these and recognise their importance to our community. 4