The Mylander - Issue 97

Council Reports Council’s policy, as stated on the ECC website - “A footpath is a highway over which the public has a right of way on foot only.” It also appears to contradict the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which states at paragraph 100; “Planning policies and decisions should protect and enhance public rights of way...” As Colchester City Council says it follows the NPPF, it struck me as strange that no mention was made of paragraph 100. Myland Community Council has nothing against these five houses – just a desire to see government guidance followed about protecting and enhancing our Public Right of Way network, whilst there is still some of it left. Just how does allowing a further five households, as well as delivery and waste collection vehicles to drive on a public right of way actually “protect and enhance” it? We have seen much reduction in the Public Rights of Way in Myland for the last twenty years – Footpath 46 (Fords Lane), Footpath 79 (off Turner Road) and Footpath 224 from North Station roundabout to Turner Rd, are just some examples. Do Colchester City Council and Essex County Council really want to further harm our Public Rights of Way in this manner? We may well appeal to the Secretary of State - watch this space! We are also preparing for the Boxing Day Walk on Monday 26th December – a wonderful six and a half mile stroll around the parish boundaries of Myland, including Highwoods Country Park, Tower Lane and Colchester Golf course. Everyone is welcome, including dogs and children! We usually ask for a donation towards a local charity and provide a hot cuppa and mince pies afterwards. Highway issues are uppermost in our minds at the moment, what with the “new” shared pavement at North Station bus stops and the ongoing work on the Rapid Transit Route beside the Northern Approach Road. Robert Johnstone Chair, Myland Access Committee 13