Churches The Well Methodist Church The Community Pantry (fortnightly) and the Warm Welcome (weekly) re-commenced in September and will continue during the school term on Tuesdays from 12 noon to 4pm. These two activities are open to everyone. We celebrated Harvest with a service at the end of September, which was led by our Worship Leaders with Mike Beckett, Chief Officer of Colchester Foodbank, our guest speaker. Donations of goods for the Foodbank were received at the service which was followed by a Buffet Lunch. There is a Coffee Morning and Bring & Buy Stall on Saturday 18th November from 10 -11.30am to support Samaritan’s Purse. Filled Shoe Boxes can also be brought to this event. As in times past, we invite members of the community to join us, as Christmas approaches, in supporting local charities. We are collecting tins of food and other non-perishable goods such as cereals, biscuits, tea and coffee, as well as toiletries such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, razors and sanitary products. Donations may be brought on any Tuesday (12 noon to 4pm) or to our Caring Service on Sunday 26th November at 10.30am, when Rev Lynsey Walsh, representing the Community Pantry, will be our guest speaker. Details of our Christmas celebrations will be found on the following page on the Churches Together Christmas Greetings poster. Our own Candlelit Carol Service is on Sunday 17th December at 4pm led by Rev Chris Preece and followed by light refreshments. We pray regularly for places where readers of this magazine live. If you have a particular prayer request, please let us know. More information about our church is available on our website: CLICK HERE Keith and Di Thompson Tel: Col 844252 Email: [email protected] 16