The Mylander - Issue 97

25 There are different wildlife species that inhabit the rivers, their banks and the accompanying green margins. Diversity in nature, if we look for it, enhances our outdoor experience. Next summer look out for the dragonflies close to the river and you may be lucky as I was to see one of these which I think may be an emperor dragonfly but I am happy to be corrected. Others report regularly seeing kingfishers but I have not been so lucky. As I write there is a hint of autumn in the air and the squirrel has already stripped our hazel hedge of the nut harvest, some of which are now in holes in the lawn. Pete Hewitt Women’s Institute The days are getting shorter now and thoughts are beginning to turn to warm, cozy evenings indoors. However, The Women’s Institute can offer you an enjoyable evening out with a warm, friendly welcome assured. In August, an afternoon Tea Party was held in Isobel’s garden and was much enjoyed by us all – especially as the sun appeared. Evenings enjoyed over the last three months were a talk given by Alison Davey on how she became involved with selling her chutney and cheese at local markets. A bonus were the samples we were given to taste which were delicious. In September our numbers increased as other local ‘WI’s’ were invited to join us for an evening of flower arranging given by Angelikka Mead. She encouraged us to use flowers and herbs from the hedgerows and our gardens to make some delightful posies which smelt wonderful, followed by innovative ways to use sunflowers and her finale was a giant rose ball. Our October speaker was Simon Gallop, a local Historian who gave a comprehensive talk and slide show on Flatford. The Autumn programme starts in November with a Fashion show by Edinburgh Woollen Mills, with some of our ladies acting as models! The December meeting will be at lunch time and will be a Christmas Meal at The Cricketers. In January Liz Huxley will give a talk on the Essex coastal marshes in winter. As well as our meetings, which are held on the first Friday of the month in Highwoods Community Centre at 7.15pm, there is also a Book Club which meet quite regularly. As another New Year approaches, why not make your Resolution for 2024 to come along and make some new friends? A WARM welcome is waiting for YOU! Sandra Jones From inside the community