The Mylander - Issue 97

Learning & Growing 41 Myland Preschool CIC We returned to preschool on Monday 4th September and have had a good start to the new term. We were all very excited to be starting back and welcoming the children, old and new, who have all settled in well. We said farewell to 26 children at our pre-school graduation in July and we wish them well as they take the next step in their journey at primary school. On Friday 22nd September we had the photographer from Rob Sambrook photography in preschool and parents now have the hard decision of which of the lovely photos they order! On Wednesday 27th September we joined with the Church to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning. We raised £83 for Macmillan cancer research. The children also dressed in green and paid a £1 donation for Macmillan, so the total amount raised from this and the coffee morning was £100. We have had themes of all about me, my family, my body and my senses, space, autumn, food and harvest throughout this half term. We will have themes of Halloween and fireworks, the armed forces and Remembrance, Diwali and nursery rhymes, our world, trees, Hanukkah and Christmas throughout next half term. The children will be creating a harvest display in the Church for their Harvest Festival on the 8th October. We will put all of our harvest donations for the foodbank in front of our display. On Tuesday 7th November we are having a Bag to School collection to help raise much needed funds for preschool. So, if you are having a sort out and would like to donate a bag or two towards this then they would be most welcome. Visit their website HERE to see what they collect.