The Mylander - Issue 97

7 Council Reports Myland and Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan As you will have read the Neighbourhood Plan (NP), which was first adopted in 2016, has been undergoing a formal review. This was to consider whether the NP objectives and policies originally made remain relevant to Myland and Braiswick today. This is important because the NP has equal status to the Colchester City Council (CCC) Local Plan. NP Reviews have to meet stringent processes and regulations equal to those set by the Government for the initial NP. We carefully reviewed the results of our survey of all Myland and Braiswick households. This reassured us that the NP objectives and policies remain relevant during the ongoing developments of our neighbourhoods. We also took the opportunity, at CCC’s suggestion, to strengthen some of our policies and the rationale for them, by merging in recommendations from a previously published MCC document, called the Myland Design Statement, which CCC had adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document. The Review process is now complete. The statutory consultations have all been completed and the NP has been subject to independent scrutiny by a Government Examiner. I am delighted to report that the Examiner has declared that the Review was performed in accordance with the regulations, that he believes it will meet its purpose for the future, and recommends that CCC again formally adopts it. It remains therefore for me, and on behalf of my NP Group colleagues Cllr David Clouston of MCC and David Mehigan of Braiswick Residents Association, to thank CCC Officers for their help and support and especially all those residents who took the time to respond to our survey. Pete Hewitt Myland Neighbourhood Plan Group MYLAND AND BRAISWICK NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: 2016-2032 REVIEWED 2022-23 SUPPORTING COMMUNITY QUALITY OF LIFE