10 Council Reports 25th Anniversary of Myland Community Council Easter Monday, 1st April, was the 25th Anniversary of the formation of Myland Community Council. To commemorate this an event was held in the St Michael Church Halls. In 1999 a small band of local residents, concerned with the proposed extent of development in Myland, decided to examine the possibility of forming a Parish Council to give the community a local voice. A Steering Group was formed to address the stringent rules and requirements demanded by the process to form the Council. The event was provided with a brief overview of those challenging days by Mrs Jackie Lester and Mr Patrick Mills, two members of that determined Group. The MCC Heritage Group produced some display boards to exhibit some examples of how the Myland environment has changed in the last 25 years, some changes still to come and how today’s Council works on behalf of our expanding community. Recently the Myland Local History Society decided to donate much of its material to the MCC Heritage Group for safe keeping and enhancement, for which we thank them. Some of that material, in the form of photo albums of past and present Myland was also on display. Collectively there was much to look at and talk about.