Mylander - Issue 99

Churches The Well Methodist Church A reminder that the Community Pantry and Warm Welcome continue during the school term on Tuesdays between 12noon and 4.00pm. These two activities are open to everyone, but we would particularly like to encourage young parents to come along and support each other, as well as anyone who may be feeling a bit lonely. Please check our website or Facebook for more details and exact dates. During the February half-term, MakeLunch Myland provided a hot meal on our premises for qualifying families. We have a monthly charity Coffee Morning from 10 - 11.30, on the third Saturday of the month, throughout the year, apart from August and December. There are books and cakes for sale. Watch out for the posters or look on our website to see which charity is being supported. As in previous years, on Palm Sunday the churches in Myland met at St Joseph’s to share in the blessing of palm crosses and a short service. We had a service of reflection to remember the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday and then celebrated His resurrection on Easter Sunday. It isn’t possible to give up-to-date information about all our activities in this article, but you can find out more by visiting our website: CLICK HERE Or if you are passing our premises, there is a weekly notice sheet displayed outside. We pray regularly for places where readers of this magazine live. If you have a particular prayer request, please let us know. Keith and Di Thompson Tel: Col 844252 [email protected] 19