26 the support provided, it now cascades down and across to adorn the tops of neighbouring shrubs. Cheeky but delightfully pretty. Forsythia is blossoming beautifully this year and soon the bluebells that are on the way and will be laying their carpets of woodland blue and that faint suggestion of a bluey haze just above the flowerheads. Apple and cherry blossom will be cheering us with canopies of colour and other clematis bell-flowers will intermingle. In the wider countryside hedgerows, the delicate white flowers of the blackthorn will be replaced by the hawthorn flowers, also white but with some spots of pink to add a subtle difference. I look forward to seeing pink and white campion, scarlet pimpernel and birds eye, dog rose and honeysuckle. All these flashes of colour catch the eye as they take it in turn to grace our landscape. They are a pleasure wherever they appear and I hope they give you a gentle boost as they do me. Pete Hewitt From inside the community PIANO TUITION & MUSIC THEORY ALL AGES AND STANDARDS STUDENTS ENTERED FOR RSM IF REQUIRED TREVOR CORDWELL 01206 844087