Mylander - Issue 99

27 From inside the community Women’s Institute At last, we can look forward to Spring/Summer! However, just a quick look back recalling some of earlier evenings that have taken place. In February John Jones gave us another very interesting Film Show evening. Always very popular he did not disappoint and in the programme, it was of extra interest to see a film of the King’s visit to our city. March was theatre time! Dawn and David King kept us entertained as they gave a very detailed talk and slides of the history of the Headgate Theatre. It has really gone from strength to strength over the years and is a valued part of our Colchester Community. Our original planned speaker was unable to come along to our April meeting, so Sue Morgan a retired air hostess kindly stepped in and gave an amazing talk called ‘Up, Up and Away’. She not only told us about her time as an air hostess but also about her many travels as a child and during her teenage years. Her talk was very entertaining, delivered with a great sense of humour! Looking forward, May is our Annual Meeting and will include a Beetle Drive and Bingo night. June will be time for a ‘cuppa’ when Ann Latchford will give us a talk on the Colne Valley Tea Company. The July evening will be ‘Walking on the Wild Side’- Brazil and will be given by Graham and Mary Brace. The W.I. is a national organisation and the big event each year is the National Federation’s Annual Meeting which takes place at the Royal Albert Hall in London. June 5th is the date for the 2024 meeting and the speakers will be Spice Girl, Mel Brown (aka Scary Spice), actor Timothy Watson and Nazir Afzal OBE. Included in the event will be a discussion of a resolution re Dental Health matters. The occasion will be live-screened by the W.I. Centre. The evenings will be much lighter now so there is no excuse for not coming along to the W.I. meetings! These are held on the first Friday of each month in Highwoods Community Centre at 7.15pm. PLEASE do come along and try an evening - there is a place waiting for YOU! Sandra Jones