8 Council Reports Planning & Highways Committee The Planning and Highways Committee is pleased that we have been joined by Cllr Ellora Roy. Ellora will be a great assistance with the running of the committee and we look forward to her participation in the future. The MCC is aware of the difficulties residents are encountering with the noise, actions and traffic disruption caused by the Rapid Transit works on the Northern Approach. The contractor lays out their plan of works each week. Contacts are available should residents wish to make an observation about the contractor’s activities. You can find out more information about this work HERE At the recent 25 anniversary celebration of the formation of MCC at St Michael’s Church Hall on 1st April there were a lot of photographs showing the changing face and expansion of Myland. The foresight of the residents then enables the residents now to view planning applications at the earliest possible moment, ensuring oversight and input. The committee is responsible for providing funding for contractors to manage hedgerow overgrowth so that access via footpaths is maintained. Please contact Myland Community Council if you are aware of an area that needs attention. If the overgrowth is not from private property an assessment can be made to see if it is in the remit of the council and if it is, then the request will be discussed at one of the Planning & Highways meetings. If agreed, a quote will be obtained and processed. We look forward to having more resident participation in the activities of the Planning & Highways Committee. Cllr Gary Braddy