NHS Suffolk and North East Essex - After Birth Booklet

11 Try talking to someone you trust (friends or family) and contact your midwife, health visitor and/or GP to discuss how you are feeling. Your health care professionals are all trained to recognise postnatal depression and will be able to offer a range of support services to help you. Talking therapies Talking therapy services can provide support to those experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression. Priority is given to pregnant women and new parents. You can either self-refer over the phone or online, or ask your midwife, health visitor or GP to do it for you. The service is free and aims to be flexible around your needs. For more information visit: • Improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT) www.northeastiapt.nhs.uk • Suffolk wellbeing www.wellbeingnands.co.uk • Get me out the four walls www.getmeout.org.uk • Ipswich wellbeing www.lltt4suffolk.com For more information on talking therapy services visit NHS Choices: • https://www.. nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-psychological-therapies- service/ Mum