NHS Suffolk and North East Essex - After Birth Booklet
13 Mum Infections Infections following birth are rare; however some women may contract infections which require treatment with antibiotics. Infections may occur in perineal stitches, caesarean section wounds, the uterus, breasts or in urine. Signs/symptoms: • a high temperature (more than 37.5°C) • feeling unusually hot or cold/shivery • feeling unusually lethargic and sleepy • flu-like aches and pains in the body. If your stitches or wound are infected you may notice pus, an offensive smell or an unusual amount of pain or tenderness in the area. You may also notice the skin is red and hot to touch. An infection in the uterus may cause symptoms of excessive vaginal bleeding, passing of clots and offensive smelling blood loss. You may also note severe pain and/or heat on touching the lower abdomen. If breasts become infected (known as mastitis) they may appear red, swollen and be painful/hot to touch. You may notice a burning sensation during feeds. Urinary infections: symptoms include the increased need to pass urine or pain on passing urine. If you are worried please speak to your midwife or GP urgently, or attend your local maternity triage/assessment unit.
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