NHS Suffolk and North East Essex - After Birth Booklet
2 Mum Contents TOPIC PAGE Going home from hospital 4 Your wellbeing and follow-up care 5 Your community midwife and health visitor 5 Your GP 6 Contacts 6 Urgent and emergency contacts 7 Looking after yourself 8 Your emotional wellbeing and mental health 9 Infections 13 Deep vein thrombosis 14 Perineal care 16 Pelvic floor exercises 18 Resuming sex and contraception 19 Caesarean after care 20 Bladder care 21 Returning to exercise 22 TOPIC PAGE Birth registration 24 Vaccinations 25 Screening tests 26 Jaundice 27 Signs and symptoms of an unwell baby 28 Breastfeeding 29 Bottle feeding 32 Caring for your newborn 34 Newborn stools and urine 35 Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 36 Maternity Voices, discussing your birth and feedback 37 Comments and complaints 37 Would you like to talk to someone about your birth? 38 Baby
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