NHS Suffolk and North East Essex - After Birth Booklet
20 Caesarean after care Following a caesarean you may feel sore and swollen for a few days. To help with pain, regular pain relief is recommended in combination with early and gentle movement . Your scar will take up to six weeks to heal, and to assist with healing you should: • look out for any signs of infection such as severe pain, parting of the wound, redness, oozing of pus and bleeding • bath or shower daily and clean your incision site gently with warm water and pat dry • keep the scar dry and exposed to the air when possible • wear loose, comfortable clothing and cotton underwear • avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby. Gentle activity such as a daily walk is recommended to prevent the formation of blood clots. Advice on resuming exercise can be found on page 22 of this leaflet. For more information visit: • NHS Choices: www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Caesarean-section/Pages/Recovery.aspx
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