NHS Suffolk and North East Essex - After Birth Booklet

33 Key facts about formula feeding: • Always use a ‘first’ infant formula in the first year of your baby’s life • make up feeds one at a time as your baby needs them • never warm up formula in the microwave • the water needs to be above 70°C in order to kill any bacteria in the milk powder, as it is not sterile • always put the water in the bottle first, then add the powder • only use the scoop enclosed in the packaging, as they can differ in size between brands • throw away any unused formula when your baby has finished feeding. How to bottle feed your baby • Hold your baby close in a semi-upright position, in skin to skin contact if possible and maintain eye contact • rub the teat gently over the upper lip, this will encourage them to open their mouth and draw in the teat • hold the bottle horizontally with a slight upright tilt to prevent both air entering the teat and the milk flowing too fast • towards the end of the feed remove the teat and wind your baby • if your baby shows continued feeding cues, offer the remaining milk • don’t try and force your baby to take more than they want • limit the number of people who feed your baby to yourself and one or two others – this helps with building a relationship and bonding with your baby • never leave your baby alone with a bottle. For more information visit: • NHS Choices: www.nhs.uk/Conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/Pages/expressing-storing- breast-milk.aspx • www.nhs.uk/Conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/pages/bottle-feeding- advice.aspx • Unicef: www.unicef.org.uk/babyfriendly/baby-friendly-resources/leaflets- and-posters/simple-formula-guide-for-parents Baby