NHS Suffolk and North East Essex - Labour and Birth Booklet

3 Early signs of labour In the week building up to your labour starting you might experience some of the following: • increased clear vaginal discharge • mild upset stomach or diarrhoea • feeling energetic or restless • frequent practice contractions or tightenings of the uterus known as ‘Braxton Hicks’ and/or backache. Some women won’t notice any of these signs, and it is nothing to worry about if you don’t feel any different towards the end of pregnancy. For more information visit: • NHS Choices www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/labour-signs-what- happens/ • Tommy’s www.tommys.org/pregnancy-information/labour-birth/how-will-i-know- when-labour-has-started As your labour starts you may notice some of the following signs: The ‘show’ During pregnancy, a plug of thick mucus forms in the cervix, and as the body prepares for labour this plug may pass out through the vagina. This can happen one to two weeks before labour, during labour or sometimes not at all. It appears as a clear or pink/slightly blood stained jelly-like substance, and you might notice it once or on a few occasions. You don’t need to call your midwife about this unless you are worried, however if you notice that it is heavily blood stained or that you are losing fresh blood, call your maternity triage/assessment unit straight away.