NHS Suffolk and North East Essex - Personal Care Plans Booklet

8 8. For the health and wellbeing of you and your baby, you are advised not to smoke, drink alcohol or use recreational drugs in pregnancy...  I am aware of advice around the consumption of alcohol, tobacco/nicotine products and recreational/illegal drugs  I am not sure/I would like to find out more You can talk to your midwife or doctor for support with quitting smoking, drinking alcohol or taking recreational/illegal drugs. My thoughts, feelings and questions: Emotional health and wellbeing Expecting a baby can be a joyful and exciting time, however it is also common for pregnant women to experience anxiety, depression or emotional distress. 9. I have a long term mental health condition that may affect my pregnancy...  anxiety  schizoaffective disorder  depression  schizophrenia or any other psychotic illness  eating disorder  postpartum psychosis  post-traumatic  any other mental health condition stress disorder for which you have seen a  personality disorder psychiatrist or other mental  bipolar affective disorder health professional (also known as manic depression or mania) If you have any of these conditions you should talk to your midwife or doctor as soon as possible as you may require specialist perinatal mental health support. My thoughts, feelings and questions: