NHS Suffolk and North East Essex - Your Pregnancy Booklet

16 Maternity notes You may be given a set of handheld maternity notes which you should keep with you at all times if possible. All of your appointments will be documented in here, along with results from your blood tests and scans. Some maternity units in our area use digital records and these records are stored securely on the hospital’s IT system. You can ask your midwife to explain anything that has been written in your maternity notes if you’re not sure. For more information visit: • National Childbirth Trust www.nct.org.uk/pregnancy/understanding-your-pregnancy- medicalnotes Screening tests and ultrasound scans During pregnancy you will be offered several screening tests to try and find any health problems that could affect you or your baby. It is your decision whether or not to have any of these tests. You will be provided with the NHS ‘Screening tests for you and your baby’ leaflet. It is important to look through the leaflet before your first meeting with your midwife as the leaflet contains important information about your screening choices. The leaflet is available in different languages on the NHS antenatal screening site (see link on page 18). Blood tests At the first booking appointment your midwife will recommend blood tests for Hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis, full blood count, blood group and electrophoresis (sickle cell and thalassemia screening). Some hospitals may also check your blood glucose levels. You may need a blood test for ‘glucose tolerance’ later in pregnancy to screen for a condition called gestational diabetes. Your full blood count will be taken again later in pregnancy to ensure your iron levels remain normal.