NHS Suffolk and North East Essex - Your Pregnancy Booklet
44 There are specialised antenatal classes for women expecting twins/triplets and your midwife or doctor will give you the information you need about these. Some of our hospitals offer hypnobirth classes. Please ask your midwife for more information. Topics covered by antenatal classes can include: • what happens during labour and birth • coping techniques for labour and information about pain management • hypnobirth/relaxation techniques • information about different kinds of birth and interventions • caring for and feeding your baby • your health after the birth / postnatal care • emotions and feelings during pregnancy, birth and after Classes can be attended by anyone – it doesn’t matter if it is your first baby or your fifth! For more information visit: • NHS Choices www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/antenatal- classespregnant/ Preparing for parenthood Across our area, we are introducing a ‘personalised postnatal care plan’ for all women. This can be discussed with your midwife during pregnancy. It will help you to prepare for becoming a parent and help you to understand exactly what you can expect from your maternity team in the hours and days after birth. Ask your midwife for a paper copy of the care plan, or find it on the ‘Mum and baby’ app.
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