NHS Suffolk and North East Essex - Your Pregnancy Booklet
62 Maternity Voices Ask your midwife or health visitor about your local Maternity Voices Partnership group. These groups consist of mums-to-be, new mums, partners, midwives, doctors and other allied health professionals who meet to discuss, learn and help share ideas for improved services across Suffolk and North East Essex. Would you like to talk to someone about the birth? Some women may find it helpful to talk to someone about their birth options. This is especially true if they have had a pregnancy, labour or birth that was difficult previously, or if something unexpected happened. It is not unusual to be unsure about your options or what effect any choices may have on this pregnancy and birth. You can speak to your midwife, and if needs be she will refer you to a ‘birth options’ clinic, which is normally run by the consultant midwife at your chosen maternity unit. If you are considering requesting a planned caesarean section birth, this decision would be made with you and the specialist midwifery and obstetric teams. Ask your midwife to refer you to the appropriate clinic, where you will be able to discuss your options. Comments and complaints During your antenatal care, if you have a comment or complaint you can speak to any member of the maternity team and they will be able to put you in touch with the relevant manager. Whilst you are in hospital, if you have a comment or complaint, please ask your care provider if you can speak to the ward manager or midwife in charge. You can also ask your midwife for your local PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) contact details.
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