Shaping our Integrated Care Partnership priorities: A partnership discussion document | 13 4. Recommended ICP Priorities The ICP Board reviewed the initial priorities, and partner and community feedback on these, at its November Seminar. The priorities for the Integrated Care System are now proposed below: • Tackling and reducing health inequalities we will continue to work across organisations, places, neighbourhoods to tackle health inequalities in everything we do • Preventing Ill-health, promoting self-care and supporting people to manage their long-term conditions including a focus on healthy eating, physical activity, smoking and alcohol misuse and mental wellbeing and link up with offers in the community. Supporting people to manage long-term conditions for example diabetes, COPD, MSK, ischaemic heart disease • Supporting the health and care needs of children and young people including looked after children, reducing obesity, dental decay, alcohol misuse, mental health, and wellbeing particularly the transition to adult mental health service • Targeting Mental Health including Dementia, addressing the anticipated increase in need, improve children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing, transition to adult Mental Health services, admission prevention pathways and discharge for children and young people in crisis, disabilities • Community based support for older and frail people including addressing loneliness and social isolation and improving their experience, health and wellbeing and preventing hospital admission and when in hospital to support them to get home quickly The following cross-cutting areas of focus are proposed to underpin the delivery of our future priorities: • Equality, diversity, and inclusion including tackling racism and discrimination • Championing the Green agenda for example sustainability, air quality, and responding to climate change and related health issues • Elevating patient, carers, and community voices including co-production of improvement and design of services