South West London ICS - Partnership Discussion

2 | Shaping our Integrated Care Partnership priorities: A partnership discussion document This discussion document is the product of great conversations with health and care partners across South West London, our statutory organisations like NHS and Local Authorities, and our voluntary sector partners, Healthwatch colleagues, and our local communities. It is clear that in listening to all our partners we share a real determination to improve the health and wellbeing of our residents. We are clear that the key to health and care improvement lies in each of our six Place partnerships. These partnerships work together to address the health and care needs of local people, and our Local Health and Care Plans form the foundation for action. Over the past five years, we have grown as a partnership and strengthened how we do things together. By working together at scale across South West London when it is right to do so, we really make a difference as we can focus our efforts and investment on shared priorities. There are areas of deprivation within all our six boroughs, and we know that many local people are really struggling. We need to harness this sense of urgency to support our populations over winter, but also make sure we don’t lose focus on the longer term. We must focus on prevention and early intervention for mental health and physical health, so people stay healthier for longer, and have less need to access services. We recognise that with the financial situation for all of us becoming more challenging, matched with the health and care need from local people increasing, we need to work differently and better together. This discussion document explains the journey we have been on to understand each other’s challenges, review the data, the evidence and principles around health need, as well as considering the views and concerns of local people across our six places. There was strong agreement from our partnership board members that we should focus our collaborative effort for the first year, on a significant area of challenge where there is opportunity to work together across our South West London system. We are proposing that ‘workforce’ should be this focus and specifically around: • making South West London a great place to work to help keep our existing staff • targeted action around difficult to recruit to roles • designing our future workforce with new or different roles needed for the future • supporting local people into employment to reduce health inequalities We hope you will let us know your views on this proposal, and the other proposed areas of focus for joint working, as well as your thoughts on how we engage our communities and staff so our plans are co-designed by the people they will impact the most. Cllr Ruth Dombey Chair of South West London Integrated Care Partnership Sarah Blow Chief Executive Officer South West London Integrated Care System Foreword