Shaping our Integrated Care Partnership priorities: A partnership discussion document | 7 Place councils and Place-based engagement teams. This in-depth analysis of all our community insight helped inform the development of the proposed priorities for our Integrated Care System Strategy laid out in this discussion document. Views of local people and communities were pulled together as part of this review with the themes that emerged illustrated in the diagram on pages 8 and 9. Alongside this analysis, we asked ICP members and key partners and our South West London People’s Panel to prioritise a set of 10 draft focus areas that emerged from the needs assessment. Our South West London People’s Panel is made up of over 3000 people reflecting the demographics or each place. 170 members of the people panel gave us their detailed views about our proposed priorities. This helped us gather views on the potential future priorities, ambitions and challenges we face in improving health and well-being and reducing health inequalities across South West London. Partners were asked to respond to four questions, the first ranked the emerging potential ten priority areas for us to work together on across South West London. The other questions asked Partners about our ambitions and challenges, and the criteria we could use to decide our priorities