UCL - Teaching climate change and sustainability

13 3. Results The results are presented in two parts – Teachers’ practice, and Teachers’ professional development – which are divided into sub-sections and include key findings. The results should be viewed as representing the views and experiences of a subset of teachers in England, rather than the broader teaching workforce. 3.1 Teachers’ practice 3.1.1 Inclusion of climate change and sustainability in teaching KEY FINDINGS • A significant majority of survey respondents reported including content related to climate change and sustainability into their teaching ‘sometimes’, ‘often’, or ‘very often’; less than one fifth reported they ‘never’ or ‘almost never’ include this content. • Climate change and/or sustainability are most commonly included in geography teaching, followed by science teaching. • Respondents teaching at the secondary level reported more frequent inclusion of climate change and sustainability content. • There is a strong positive correlation between those whose ITE included a focus on climate change and sustainability and those who ‘often’ or ‘very often’ incorporated related content in their teaching. The survey investigated the extent to which teachers incorporated climate change and sustainability into their teaching. Overall, the largest proportion of respondents reported that they ‘sometimes’ included climate change (37.0%) and sustainability (35.9%) in their teaching, whereas a smaller, but still significant, proportion reported that they ‘often’ or ‘very often’ included climate change or sustainability content (Table 1).