28 Differences in professional development by current teaching (subject and level) Of those who reported that they currently teach geography or science at any level of schooling, more respondents who teach geography had undertaken professional development related to climate change and sustainability education of various types compared to those not teaching geography (except for ‘self-taught’ development where those teaching or not teaching geography reported similarly). Analysis also identified that more of those teaching geography at the secondary level reported having undertaken professional development compared to those not teaching secondary geography, including through ITE courses that included a focus on climate change and sustainability (34.0% of those teaching secondary geography, compared to 9.5% of those not teaching secondary geography) and ‘self-taught’ development (84.8% compared to 69.3%). In contrast, fewer respondents who teach science reported that their ITE course included a focus on climate change and sustainability compared to those not teaching science. This is noteworthy given that climate change features in the National Curriculum for science. Finally, more respondents who taught any subject at secondary level reported that their ITE course included a focus on climate change and sustainability compared to those not teaching secondary. My Initial Teacher Education course included a specific focus on teaching about climate change and/or sustainability I received formal training in teaching about climate change and/or sustainability education during my NQT/ECT year/first year of teaching Since becoming a teacher, I have taken part in training (departmental, INSET, CPD) to support teaching related to climate change and/or sustainability Since becoming a teacher, I have taken part in training in climate change and/or sustainability education offered by organisations from outside my school Since becoming a teacher, I have taught myself how to incorporate climate change and/or sustainability into my teaching 82.6% 12.6% 4.7% 92.0% 3.6% 4.4% 72.8% 24.2% 3.0% 66.2% 31.3% 2.5% 24.4% 70.5% 5.1% No Not Sure Yes Figure 5: Participation in types of professional development related to climate change and sustainability.19 19 The figure shows the percentage of responses for each of the categories that could be selected for each questionnaire item. It includes responses from all respondents.