Wandworth Local Health and Care Plan - October 2019

49 What will we do Description of initiative What will be the impact How will we measure success Support the Health and Wellbeing role of Schools Develop a long term strategy and programme to support health and wellbeing in schools. This would include a range of topic areas such as mental wellbeing, physical activity, healthy eating and substance misuse Encourage whole school approach across all schools in the borough Ensure there is a clear strategic direction to ensure cumulative effect of different initiatives to improve overall health and wellbeing in schools Establish the evidence base and what priorities should be focused on which can help to strengthen the case for funding key initiatives or programmes Working with partners to ensure a collaborative strategic approach to support schools The development and adoption of a clear strategy Public Health Outcome Framework indicators over longer term School surveys Support schools in their delivery of mandatory RSE and HE Working with partners to support schools in delivering relationships and sex education and health education (including mental and physical health education) Implementation of RSE and HE from September 2020 across all schools All schools meeting the 2019 regulations Parenting Strategy, including universal and targeted parenting courses and programmes Universal and targeted evidence based parenting programmes focussing on attachment security, behavioural self regulation and cognitive development Comms Strategy to enable parents to increase protective factors and reduce risk factors relating to mental disorder Improved attachment, self-regulation and self-esteem Reductions in adverse childhood experiences and emotional psychological distress Course evaluation, parent/child feedback Start Well Cross-cutting issues / actions