Wandworth Local Health and Care Plan - October 2019

6 Health and Care in Wandsworth Plan - in context As a vibrant and well-connected borough with many community assets, attractions and facilities, Wandsworth is recognised as a great place to live and work. Wandsworth has a large number of working age adults and a population that is more affluent than the population in general. However, Wandsworth also has pockets of deprivation throughout the borough and there are inequalities with small populations at either end of the age spectrum who are deprived and have significant health issues. Publicly accessible parks make up almost a quarter of the total area of Wandsworth and this green space promotes active living and provides important physical, psychological and social health benefits for individuals and the community. of the borough’s schools are rated as outstanding, double the proportion nationally, our examination results regularly exceed local and regional averages. The borough has the second highest employment rate in London and there are over 18,000 active businesses in the borough, providing 134,000 jobs. Wandsworth is the safest inner London borough, in terms of rate of notifiable crimes per head of the population. The borough also has the lowest rate of violence involving knife crime amongst the inner London boroughs. 43%