Brentwoodian 2022

The U12B’s first netball season at Brentwood has been a wonderful, intense experience. The team has flourished under the coaching of Miss Preston and we can’t thank her enough for it! The B team started out as nine girls who had never met before and some of us hadn’t even played netball but, throughout the season we have grown as players and people. We have accomplished many victories this season, our best being against St Edmund’s with a breathtaking victory of 29-1! We also managed to finish on top during the Brentwood District rally, beating St Martin’s as well as the Brentwood Ursuline. Each and every girl in the team has done incredibly well. We have honoured our commitment to our team training on Tuesday nights and Friday afternoons completing a series of complex drills and stretching our ability with matches against players of a higher calibre. We have refined our technique and fixed our mistakes transforming into players who occasionally do footwork or are too close to the opposition. We have worked well as a team and only when we strengthened our team bond and really thought about our past drills and how they would be applicable in games did we start seeing mind-blowing results. I think I speak for the whole team when I say we have thoroughly enjoyed our first netball season at Brentwood and we cannot thank Miss Preston enough for her hard U12B "we have stretched our ability, refined our technique and fixed our mistakes" we went on for the last quarter, Miss Parsliffe motivated us to go out there and to give it 110% for the last 10 minutes. We won 24-18. As a teamwe were so proud to represent Brentwood School and win. As the Captain I’mextremely proud of my teammates. By Katie Archer 110