Brentwoodian 2022

Zenna Choo and Chié Samuel put their wonderful creative talents to the test and came 1st and 3rd respectively in the Christmas Card competition. North House also ran their own Christmas card competition and this time another Westie won it - well done to Beatrice Christie! Some other notable wins throughout the year have been: • The Step Challenge • The Reading Challenge - Emily Sadler did the most reading in the entire House! • The French BAC week - both Maria Tarazi and Sam Kingsley produced fantastic poetry entries • The History and Politics week • BookFace - a great winning entry from Jola Akinrin - disguised as Barack Obama! • Classics BAC week - well done Abigail Rice! • Essex Wildlife Photography - two great pictures here - one from Emma Willy and another from Emily Howells • The Crisp Tasting Challenge! Well done to all of you who have volunteered, taken part, won, come second, come last and generally stepped up to help West be the best. 160