The Big Pitch 2023

| 13 Speakers Professor Sir Stephen H Powis National Medical Director of NHS England Professor Sir Stephen Powis is the National Medical Director of NHS England, and the Professor of Renal Medicine at University College London. Previously he was Medical Director (and latterly Group Chief Medical Officer) of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust from 2006 to 2018. Professor Powis was also a member of the governing body of Merton Clinical Commissioning Group for five years and a Director of Healthcare Services Laboratories LLP. He is a past Chairman of the Association of UK Universities (AUKUH) Medical Directors Group and has been a member of numerous national committees and working groups, including the Department of Health Strategic Education Funding Expert Group. He is a past non-executive director of the North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, including a period of eight months as acting chairman. Twitter: @NHSEnglandNMD Dr Tim Ferris National Director of Transformation at NHS England Dr Tim Ferris is the inaugural National Director of Transformation at NHS England. The Transformation Directorate draws together NHSX, NHS Improvement, and Innovation into a single team to deliver transformation in the NHS through redesigning care services, harnessing the power of data and analytics, and building a learning health system that generates knowledge to improve population health. Tim was most recently CEO of the Mass General Physicians Organization (2017- 2021) and was formerly the Senior Vice President for Population Health at Mass General Brigham overseeing performance for one of the largest accountable care organizations in the US. He founded the Center for Population Health, which reaches over one million patients annually, focusing on prevention and data to improve health, reduce inequities and save lives. Tim’s past roles include multiple committees at the National Academy of Medicine, and as a Non-Executive Director on the Board of NHS England and NHS Improvement. Tim trained in medicine and public health at Harvard University and remains on the staff of Mass General. Tim became a professor at Harvard Medical School in 2018 and continues as an adjunct professor.