UCL - Teaching climate change and sustainability

11 2.3 The respondents Responses were received from 870 teachers and headteachers across England. Respondents were not required to answer every question, with lower response rates in latter sections. The final set of questions, which investigated personal backgrounds and characteristics, were answered by between 508 and 528 respondents. 2.3.1 Demographics The questionnaire was completed by 388 respondents identifying as female (73.9%), 131 as male (25.0%), and 6 non-binary and gender diverse people (1.1%). The remaining respondents did not provide this information. The higher proportion of females follows a similar trend to the teacher workforce in state-funded schools in England (75.5% female) (UK Government, 2022). In terms of ethnicity, 467 respondents (90.5%) identified themselves as being from white backgrounds, 21 from Asian / Asian British backgrounds (4.1%), 18 from mixed backgrounds (3.5%), 4 from Black / Black British backgrounds (0.8%), and 6 from other backgrounds (1.2%). The remaining teachers did not provide this information. These proportions are also comparable to the workforce in state-funded schools in England where 90.3% of all identified as white, 5.1% as Asian and 2.4% identified as Black (UK Government, 2022).